Peggy Progression – completion of demo from Newbridge Using Drawings on Canvas workshop

Another completion – this work was the demonstration piece at the Newbridge Art Group workshop 124/15 August this year, on using drawings in with collage on canvas.
1. The drawing of Mt Conobolus (from the young boy whose family owned of the dog) is adhered as part of the collage and a wet Red Gold acrylic wash applied to unify the collage elements.

2. A close up of the drawing. It is protected by sealing with Matt Spray before collaging with Atelier Binder Medium.

3. The canvas is covered with a layer of Art Spectrum clear pastel primer in preparation for drawing.

4. Working out the placement of the dog with soft pastel.

5. Continuing to work on the drawing with soft pastels and pastel pencils. This was as far as I had time to develop the work at the workshop.

6. Once home, I continued to work on the dog, beginning to use Atelier free Flow and a liner brush for details.

7. Adding acrylic paint dry brushing to the dry brushing that I had begun with soft pastel.

8. A detail photo on coming to completion of the dog.

“Peggy” Mixed Media on Canvas.

No Press Printing Free Instructional Video

I love printing – and have developed a way of using acrylics to print from my lino plates, and other plates including collagraphs. Along with the chapter in my book “Using Chroma Art Materials” I have a free video on this process. Link: Atelier Acrylic for no-press printing in mixed media
Both my books are available through my website
I like to use acrylic paint for printing as this allows me to use my prints as collage elements.

“Scrub” is a pastel and mixed media on canvas – I often print on tissue and then add these prints to my works as collage.

“Ancient Notes” – an example where I have used the print as the basis for the canvas.

“Tree Search” Completed (demo from Crows Nest Workshop)

Sometimes I am happy to leave the texture and colour in a painting be enough to convey my message, but many times I add a motif, or symbol, of reality, to serve as a jumping board to bring in the viewer and provide an element of contact. This does not have to be a large part of the work, and often in fact, is quite small in relation to the painting.
“Tree Search” is one such work, that I have just completed after the workshop in Crows Nest. This work has several other paintings underneath so the texture is all over the canvas, which is a wonderful base for my intention to depict a landscape barren of trees.

1. This photo above shows the canvas after an application of gesso, and carious cardboard shapes taped on before the first glaze of colour is painted. I have left drawings and sections of the last painting that was on this canvas, showing, because I didn’t want to lose those areas.

2. Detail of the motif painted on, to connect the viewer with the landscape and message. This detail is around 9 cms wide and 13 cms high, so quite small in relation to the size of the canvas.

3. “Tree Search” Mixed Media on Canvas 61 cms wide by 91 cms high (24 inches wide by 36 inches high). This and other works are available as giclee reproductions, in any size on canvas or paper, through
at Art House Reproductions. My works are all limited editions.

This drawing off to Germany – I’m off on my road trip!

This charcoal pastel study is off to Germany as a gift. I am off to deliver workshops on my road trip beginning in Canberra, then Newbridge, and Nelson Bay on my way home. These workshops include drawing, Mixed Media and also, pastel on canvas.
Looking forward to seeing former attendees and making new friends.

Instructional Video on Composition and Design Released

As well as several free videos on YouTube, I have now released my fourth video for sale through Pulsar Productions.
Link :

This is a series of twelve sessions. it includes my pared down compositional techniques derived from geometric design.
I hope it proves useful !

Ancient Notes

Finally completed this demonstration piece from a “Using Drawings on Canvas” workshop –
“Ancient Notes”. I love using my drawings on canvas and sharing how to do this archivally.

Come and see who won what!

Last two days of the PSA Annual Awards Exhibition, at the Auditorium Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens.

Pastel demonstrations to see (with 3 Master Pastellists Betty Sutton, Penelope Gilbert-Ng and myself) and our newest Accomplished Pastellist, Karen Christiansen.

The awards were nnounced and presetnaed last night – I was fortunate to receive the Bella Award (1st in People) with “Homeless”

PSA Annual Awards Exhibition June 19 – 23 Brisbane Botanical Gardens

The Pastel Society of Australia exhibition at the Auditorium Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens (Mt Coot-tha Road, Toowong):

Open to the public Wednesday 19 June 2 to 4 pm
Thursday 20, Friday 21, Saturday 22 10 am to 4 pm
Sunday 23rd, 10 am to 2 pm

Demonstrations by pastel artists free to the public during opening hours.
I myself will be demonstrating:
Thursday 1 to 4 pm – Using Pastel Wet
Sunday 10 am to noon – Pastel on Canvas

Hope you can come along!

Oil Pastel on Canvas

A still life on an old canvas, created with oil pastel.

1. Over an old painting, I placed tissue paper with Atelier Binder Medium, and painted with red acrylic. When dry, I covered the surface with a layer of Art Spectrum clear pastel primer.

2. I drew in the basic composition with a dark blue oil pastel.

3. This photo shows the basic placement of underpainting colours.

4. The first spray of varnish ha set the oil pastels into the canvas, and changed some if the lighter colours. They will need more layers of the same colour oil pastel, as more colours are also introduced to the work.

5. Ready for a final spray.

6. Although not a good photo, this shows the brilliance that can be achieved with oil pastel on canvas. 61 w by 46 h cms ( 24 by 18 inches).