The Atelier Thick Painting Medium is a useful addition to an acrylic artist’s tool kit. A new product, it delays the drying time of acrylic paint and provides a creamy buttery consistency. It is the only painting medium I know that has a “formula” for use in that whatever volume of paint is mixed, about the same amount of Thick Medium needs to be mixed in. Other painting mediums’ volume of use can be adjusted with the amount of medium added in according to the thickness/thinness of the individual stroke.

When using it, I mix my desired colours on the palette first and then add in the Thick Medium. In this photo below, I have mixed a dark, light and mid-tone of green in order to cover a large canvas in one extended painting session.

This is a welcome process for the acrylic painter, enabling the application of paint over a large area while being able to blend and mix and work with it for an extended time.

The mixed colours stayed wet enough on this 51 by 76 cms (20 by 30 inches) canvas for me to blend and work with them during a session of over three hours in the studio. This is now ready for me to continue on with the collage, glazing and fine tuning to complete the work.

There is much more information on painting mediums in my book “Using Chroma Art Materials” available for purchase from the home page of my web site

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Questions About Acrylic Paint Series 8 – Separation in Tube.
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Questions About Acrylic Paint Series 6. Why use painting mediums? 11/8/21