Another completion – this work was the demonstration piece at the Newbridge Art Group workshop 124/15 August this year, on using drawings in with collage on canvas.
1. The drawing of Mt Conobolus (from the young boy whose family owned of the dog) is adhered as part of the collage and a wet Red Gold acrylic wash applied to unify the collage elements.

2. A close up of the drawing. It is protected by sealing with Matt Spray before collaging with Atelier Binder Medium.

3. The canvas is covered with a layer of Art Spectrum clear pastel primer in preparation for drawing.

4. Working out the placement of the dog with soft pastel.

5. Continuing to work on the drawing with soft pastels and pastel pencils. This was as far as I had time to develop the work at the workshop.

6. Once home, I continued to work on the dog, beginning to use Atelier free Flow and a liner brush for details.

7. Adding acrylic paint dry brushing to the dry brushing that I had begun with soft pastel.

8. A detail photo on coming to completion of the dog.

“Peggy” Mixed Media on Canvas.

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